Bristol, Virginia


Below are the teachings of Roderick Breem, founder of I am a VOICE Ministries.

Teaching Series

And the Bride Has Made Herself Ready

Jesus is coming back for a bride who has made herself ready. She carries her own oil. She is ready for the Bridegroom. She submits to beauty treatments.

And the Bride Has Made Herself Ready – Pt. 1 – Having Oil in Our Lamps and Trimmed Lamps

And the Bride Has Made Herself Ready – Pt. 2 – The Spirt of Elijah 

And the Bride Has Made Herself Ready – Pt. 3 – Being Clothed

And the Bride Has Made Herself Ready – Pt. 4 – Being Adorned 

And the Bride Has Made Herself Ready – Pt.5 – Growing Up in God

Draw Me Away!

This series goes chapter by chapter following the progression of the Shulamite in the Song of Solomon and her relationship to the Beloved.

Draw Me Away! – Song of Solomon Chapter 1 “Draw Me Away” – Pt.1

Draw Me Away! – Song of Solomon Chapter 2 “Rise Up” – Pt.2

Draw Me Away! Song of Solomon Chapter 3 “Finding Love” – Pt.3

Draw Me Away! Song of Solomon Chapter 4 “Ravished” – Pt.4 

Draw Me Away! Song of Solomon Chapter 5 “Knocking” – Pt. 5

Draw Me Away! Song of Solomon Chapter 6 “Having Our Own Oil” – Part 6

Draw Me Away! Song of Solomon Chapter 7 “The Bride Revealed” – Part 7


The following articles are insights from the book of Ephesians. The book of Ephesians is one of the most profound books in all the Bible, with many layers and facets for the believer to grab ahold of.

The Church – A Dwelling Place for God

Seated in the Heavenlies

Living in the Heavenlies

The Effective Working of His Power

Our Position in Christ – Ephesians 1 Truth

Our Position in Christ – Every Spiritual Blessing is Already Ours – Part 1

Our Position in Christ – Set Apart and Blameless – Part 2

Our Position in Christ – Adopted as Sons – Part 3

Our Position in Christ – The Crowning Achievement of God’s Grace – Part 4

Our Position in Christ – In Him We Have Redemption – Part 5

Our Position in Christ – Mysteries Made Known – Part 6

Our Position in Christ – We are God’s Inheritance – Part 7

Prayers of Paul

The “prayers of Paul” refer to the four epistle prayers of the Apostle Paul. They are found in Ephesians 1:15-19, Ephesians 3:14-19, Philippians 1:9-11 and Colossians 1:9-14. These prayers run very deep, going past the intellect and straight to the heart.

Ephesians 1:15-19

Prayers of Paul – The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation – Pt.1

Prayers of Paul – The Knowledge of Him – Pt.2

Prayers of Paul – An Illuminated Understanding – Pt.3

Prayers of Paul – Knowing our Value – Pt.4

Prayers of Paul – Power Toward Us – Pt.5

Ephesians 3:14-19

Prayers of Paul – Receiving Inner Strength – Pt.6

Prayers of Paul – Indwelling Christ – Pt.7

Prayers of Paul – Being Rooted and Grounded in Love – Pt.8

Prayers of Paul – Know the Love of Christ Personally – Pt. 9

Philippians 1:9-11

Prayers of Paul – Love with Discernment – Pt. 10

Colossians 1:9-14

Prayers of Paul – Receiving the Great Exchange – Pt. 11

Spiritual Warfare

It has never been more important than now to know how to stand strong in the Lord. This series take a long look at Ephesians 6 and the full armor of God.

Spiritual Warfare – Pt. 1

Spiritual Warfare – Pt. 2 (The Wiles of the Devil)

Spiritual Warfare – Pt.3 (Wrestling) 

Spiritual Warfare – Pt.4 (Taking Up the Whole Armor)

Spiritual Warfare – Pt.5 (Unity of the Spirit)

Spiritual Warfare – Pt.6 (Stand)

Being a Good Soldier 


The Lord has impressed on me the great need for discernment in the body of Christ. There is so much coming at us from so many directions. We can call it a spiritual and mental barrage. I will, with the Lord’s help, being looking into verses that talk about this topic and sharing them in a series.

The Need for Discernment – Pt.1

The Need for Discernment – Pt 2 (The Noble Bereans)

The Need for Discernment – Pt. 3 (Natural or Spiritual Man) 

The Need for Discernment – Pt. 4 (Discerning of Spirits)

The Need for Discernment – Pt.5 (Exercise to Discern)

The Need for Discernment – Pt.6 (Testing Spirits in the Light)

A True Knowing

In this series we are going to look at the highest type of knowledge one can have. In the New Testament in is called epignōsis. It mrecognition, i.e. (precise and correct knowledge, acknowledgement.”

A True Knowing – Part 1

A True Knowing – Part 2 (Growing in the Knowledge of God)


The Great Gathering

Natural Vs. Spiritual Man

Listening for the Sound of the Mulberry Trees

The Order of Melcizedek – Learning to Operate as Kings and Priests