Bristol, Virginia

Deep Diving with the Spirit

In 1 Cor 2 we learn that the Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God. If the Holy Spirit still has not yet exhausted the deep things of God then there is surely treasures for us to… Read More

Draw Me Away! – Song of Solomon Chapter 7 “The Bride Revealed” – Part 7

Now, finally, we are seeing the mature bride. The Shulamite is now mature, fruitful, a great delight to the beloved and a wonderful blessing to many. Chapter 7 goes into great detail about the now mature, beautiful Shulamite…. Read More

The Secret Place

In the Song of Solomon the Beloved (representing Jesus the Bridegroom) says to the Shulamite (us, the church, the bride of Christ). “O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,In the secret places of the cliff,Let me… Read More

Draw Me Away! Pt.6

Song of Solomon Chapter 6 “Having Our Own Oil” If you remember in chapter 5 the Shulamite had a crushing, hurtful experience. It was difficult for her and the Beloved. She chose her own comfort over spending time… Read More

Draw Me Away! Pt.5

Song of Solomon Chapter 5 “Knocking” “I sleep, but my heart is awake;It is the voice of my beloved!He knocks, saying,“Open for me, my sister, my love,My dove, my perfect one.” (v.2a) The desire of the Shulamite is greatly increasing. She… Read More

Draw Me Away! Pt. 4

Song of Solomon chapter 4 – “Ravished” Now we are starting to see the Beloved’s single eye towards the Shulamite. The chapter begins with “Behold, you are fair, my love!Behold, you are fair!You have dove’s eyes behind your veil.” (v.1a) His complete and undivided attention… Read More

Draw Me Away! Part 3

Chapter 3 Song of Solomon Let us not forget that up until this point everything the Beloved did to woo the Shulamite was in response to her heart cry: “Draw me away!” (Song of Solomon 1:4) Now notice… Read More

Draw Me Away! – Pt. 2

Chapter 2 Song of Solomon Chapter 2 starts off with a confession from the Shulamite that reveals her insecurity. “I am the rose of Sharon, And the lily of the valleys.” (v.1)Lilies were abundant and ordinary. In essence… Read More

Draw Me Away! – Part 1

Chapter 1 Song of Solomon In the beginning of the Song of Solomon the Shulamite (representing the Bride of Christ before marriage) says, even cries out, “Draw me away!” (Song of Solomon 1:4) It was that cry that… Read More