Bristol, Virginia

Tag: bride of Christ

Draw Me Away! – Song of Solomon Chapter 7 “The Bride Revealed” – Part 7

Now, finally, we are seeing the mature bride. The Shulamite is now mature, fruitful, a great delight to the beloved and a wonderful blessing to many. Chapter 7 goes into great detail about the now mature, beautiful Shulamite…. Read More

Draw Me Away! Pt.6

Song of Solomon Chapter 6 “Having Our Own Oil” If you remember in chapter 5 the Shulamite had a crushing, hurtful experience. It was difficult for her and the Beloved. She chose her own comfort over spending time… Read More

Draw Me Away! – Part 1

Chapter 1 Song of Solomon In the beginning of the Song of Solomon the Shulamite (representing the Bride of Christ before marriage) says, even cries out, “Draw me away!” (Song of Solomon 1:4) It was that cry that… Read More