Bristol, Virginia

Tag: power

The Innerworking of His Power – Part 3

The Working of the Prince of the Power of the Air “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the… Read More

The Innerworking of His Power – Part 2

“Be”ing the Powerful Church Just a reminder what we are touching on in these little articles is the “energeia” of God. This Greek word can be likened to the engine that powers a might ship. The force is… Read More

The Innerworking of His Power – Part 1

At the conclusion of Ephesians 1 Paul prays a powerful prayer. Let’s see it in its full glory and then we’ll pull some nuggets out of it and show how it relates to our study. And please put… Read More

Prayers of Paul – Receiving Inner Strength – Pt. 6

Now, with great excitement, we are moving on to Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3. Like the prayer in Ephesians 1, it is a prayer that runs very deep. In fact, that is the focus on today’s little article:… Read More

The Effective Working of His Power

At the end of Ephesians 1 the Apostle Paul prays an incredibly powerful prayer. It is a prayer, like an onion, that has many layers. We will be focusing on the last portion of his prayer that relates… Read More

Living in the Heavenlies

In the first part of Ephesians 1 the Apostle Paul lays the foundation of the position and identity of the believer in Christ. Then he prays this prayer, which has become a key part of my prayer life…. Read More