Bristol, Virginia

Tag: kingdom

Receiving the Keys of the Kingdom

In Matthew 16 Jesus asked a pointed question to the disciples. “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (v.13) They answered “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of… Read More

Hope – Accessing Its Treasure

treasure chest

By Roderick Breem The book of Colossians opens up with Paul stating his thankfulness for the believers at Colosse. One of the big reasons he gave thanks for them was because he saw a treasure that was stored… Read More

Kings and Priests

thorns and crown

By Roderick Breem In Christian circles we throw around the terms “kings and priests” rather lightly. Positionally, all believers are truly kings and priests in God’s sight. We cannot simply brush past these truths without pausing and considering… Read More

Rescued from Darkness – Transferred to Light

By Roderick Breem At the very end of Paul’s beautiful prayer for the church at Colosse He makes this bold and liberating statement. “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom… Read More