Bristol, Virginia

Winter is Over!

Prophetic word August 2020

This morning I was laying bed and the Holy Spirit began speaking to me from Song of Solomon. Starting in verse 10:

“My beloved spoke, and said to me:
“Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away.”

The beloved (Jesus) is speaking to us and it arise. Many in the church are in a depressed state. Depressed doesn’t only mean sad but it can be the person who has shrunk down spiritually, This depression can be the result of fear, anxiety or a number of things. Next the Beloved says:

For lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone
.” (v.11)

The word from the TV series Game of Thrones is “Winter is Coming.” But I am here declaring that WINTER IS OVER. Winter represents barrenness, death, coldness. The Lord says the winter is over in your life. It is time to arise My church!

The Beloved continues:

The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove
Is heard in our land.
” (v.12)

The Beloved is calling the church to arise and see the flowers (goodness of God). “The time of singing has come” is a call to the active, remnant church back to the heart of worship.

And the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.” The turtledove is a song bird and only sings at certain times, like heralding in the new season of Spring. The turtledove also represents the Holy Spirit. His voice is being heard in our land. His voice is also heard in the land through believers who rise up and be His voice.

I had a prophetic picture of the church in a dark, gloomy house. She was unaware that winter had past. The beloved is saying “Arise. Come see the fruit of the land. Come away with Me. Winter is over and its time to worship. It time to shine. The world needs you more than ever before.”

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