As humans we worry about many things. But there is one thing on the mind of God concerning us: our growth – or maturity if you will. So I say let’s push aside the things that hinder growth and draw towards the things that foster growth.
How do plants grow? Sunlight, proper temperature, moisture and air
Sonlight – we must invest time in the light of the Son. This also means spending time reading and studying the Word of God. Jesus is the Word. (John 17:3)
Proper temperature – temperature is key to growth. Jesus doesn’t want us lukewarm but hot! We should also be around those who are hot for God! (Revelation 3:16)
Moisture – In the Bible water is a symbol of the person of the Holy Spirit. We need Him to fill us daily in order to grow spiritually. (John 4:14)
Air – Again, the person of the Holy Spirit. When God created humans He breathed the breathe of life in them (Genesis 2:7). Today, we receive the breathe of the Spirit when we are baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-2; John 3:8)
Lord, thank you that you so greatly desire to see us grow even if we are happy to stay where we are. We say yes to spending time with Your Son. I ask you for a renewed fire in my walk. Help me to invest time in the Word of God. Let it master me. I ask for a fresh infilling of the moisture of the Holy Spirit. And yes, oh yes, breathe on me today. In Jesus’ name.
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Posted: December 30, 2020 by I am a VOICE Ministries
God is Primarily Interested in Our Growth
As humans we worry about many things. But there is one thing on the mind of God concerning us: our growth – or maturity if you will. So I say let’s push aside the things that hinder growth and draw towards the things that foster growth.
How do plants grow? Sunlight, proper temperature, moisture and air
Sonlight – we must invest time in the light of the Son. This also means spending time reading and studying the Word of God. Jesus is the Word. (John 17:3)
Proper temperature – temperature is key to growth. Jesus doesn’t want us lukewarm but hot! We should also be around those who are hot for God! (Revelation 3:16)
Moisture – In the Bible water is a symbol of the person of the Holy Spirit. We need Him to fill us daily in order to grow spiritually. (John 4:14)
Air – Again, the person of the Holy Spirit. When God created humans He breathed the breathe of life in them (Genesis 2:7). Today, we receive the breathe of the Spirit when we are baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-2; John 3:8)
Lord, thank you that you so greatly desire to see us grow even if we are happy to stay where we are. We say yes to spending time with Your Son. I ask you for a renewed fire in my walk. Help me to invest time in the Word of God. Let it master me. I ask for a fresh infilling of the moisture of the Holy Spirit. And yes, oh yes, breathe on me today. In Jesus’ name.
Category: Present Church, Word of the Day Tags: growth, Holy Spirit, light, Son
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