In 1 Cor 2 we learn that the Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God. If the Holy Spirit still has not yet exhausted the deep things of God then there is surely treasures for us to find. See it:
“But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” (v.10)
Now for a little Greek. The word “revealed” is apokalyptō and means “to uncover, lay open what has been veiled or covered up.” It is found in the Aorist tense meaning it is a finished work. The Holy Spirit has uncovered all the mysteries of God to us. It is up to us to search out, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, the deep things of God. Think of it this way: the Titanic was discovered by someone. They uncovered its location, which had not been known for decades. They then relayed the exact coordinates for others to discover it for themselves. It is the same way with the Holy Spirit. He has searched and continues to search the deep things of God. He then leads us to the deep mysteries (treasures if you will!).
Paul says that God ordained for us to know the deep, hidden mysteries of God.
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory.” (1 Cor 2:7)
Some say God doesn’t speak to them. Well I am here to say not only does God speak to you he ordained you to know the deep mysteries of God! That is amazing and should give us great encouragement.
In the Song of Solomon the Beloved (Jesus) gives a compliment to the Shulamite (Bride of Christ) that could easily be brushed over. But hear it in the context of knowing the deep things of God.
“Your eyes like the pools in Heshbon
By the gate of Bath Rabbim.” (Song of Solomon 7:4)
Heshbon was about fifty miles east of Jerusalem. During the reign of Solomon it was given as an inheritance to the Levites as a peaceful city of refuge for families of the priests. The pools were actually part of a deep reservoir system provided by springs. Carr, G. Lloyd in The Song of Solomon: An Introduction and Commentary describes the pools in this way: “The sense here is one of still, deep calmness rather than the sparkle and shimmer of flowing springs.”
The Beloved was saying her eyes reflected the deep reservoir of the pools. He was saying she had an incredible depth to her. Jesus is looking for a bride that knows the deep things of God. She has swam to the depths of God’s heart for treasure. She is very close with the Holy Spirit who reveals the deep things of God.
FATHER, I thank you for uncovering the deep things through the Holy Spirit. I know your Son Jesus is seeking a bride of depth. Let my eyes, my vision, reflect the deep pools of revelation. I look away from the world and its illusions and I am ready to dive deep today. In Jesus’ name.
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Posted: August 13, 2021 by I am a VOICE Ministries
Deep Diving with the Spirit
In 1 Cor 2 we learn that the Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God. If the Holy Spirit still has not yet exhausted the deep things of God then there is surely treasures for us to find. See it:
“But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” (v.10)
Now for a little Greek. The word “revealed” is apokalyptō and means “to uncover, lay open what has been veiled or covered up.” It is found in the Aorist tense meaning it is a finished work. The Holy Spirit has uncovered all the mysteries of God to us. It is up to us to search out, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, the deep things of God. Think of it this way: the Titanic was discovered by someone. They uncovered its location, which had not been known for decades. They then relayed the exact coordinates for others to discover it for themselves. It is the same way with the Holy Spirit. He has searched and continues to search the deep things of God. He then leads us to the deep mysteries (treasures if you will!).
Paul says that God ordained for us to know the deep, hidden mysteries of God.
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory.” (1 Cor 2:7)
Some say God doesn’t speak to them. Well I am here to say not only does God speak to you he ordained you to know the deep mysteries of God! That is amazing and should give us great encouragement.
In the Song of Solomon the Beloved (Jesus) gives a compliment to the Shulamite (Bride of Christ) that could easily be brushed over. But hear it in the context of knowing the deep things of God.
“Your eyes like the pools in Heshbon
By the gate of Bath Rabbim.” (Song of Solomon 7:4)
Heshbon was about fifty miles east of Jerusalem. During the reign of Solomon it was given as an inheritance to the Levites as a peaceful city of refuge for families of the priests. The pools were actually part of a deep reservoir system provided by springs. Carr, G. Lloyd in The Song of Solomon: An Introduction and Commentary describes the pools in this way: “The sense here is one of still, deep calmness rather than the sparkle and shimmer of flowing springs.”
The Beloved was saying her eyes reflected the deep reservoir of the pools. He was saying she had an incredible depth to her. Jesus is looking for a bride that knows the deep things of God. She has swam to the depths of God’s heart for treasure. She is very close with the Holy Spirit who reveals the deep things of God.
FATHER, I thank you for uncovering the deep things through the Holy Spirit. I know your Son Jesus is seeking a bride of depth. Let my eyes, my vision, reflect the deep pools of revelation. I look away from the world and its illusions and I am ready to dive deep today. In Jesus’ name.
Category: Song of Solomon Tags: deep, hidden, mysteries, revealed
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