Bristol, Virginia

Bread of Life

Bread of Life

Combined, Ukraine and Russia supply the world with 30% of its wheat. Some experts have predicted that very soon we may see many die for lack of food. We must remember that in many countries, particularly those in the Middle East, bread is their main source of nourishment and calories. India may be able to pick up some of the slack but they are suffering from a record heat wave that has destroyed a lot of crops.

Jesus said of Himself “I am the bread of life.” (John 6:35a) I think those hearing Jesus felt a little different about than we might. Most of us have an abundance of food – too much in fact. But to the people in Jesus’ day (and many Middle East countries today) rely on bread. It is literally a life-saver.

Now, switch your thinking into the spiritual. Is Jesus really our bread of life? Or do we have many other things that we think spiritually sustain us? The truth is that Jesus is the only true bread of life. Only He can nourish us the way we need.

The biggest spiritual obstacle, in my view, is the lack of seeing our need. The rebuke to the Laodicean church was that they were self-sufficient. This is seen in their corporate confession: “I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing.” (Rev 3:17)

What is our corporate confession? This confession may not be audible but most like a lifestyle that serves as a confession. Jesus, when He said He was the bread of life was speaking to a hungry people. Many were hungry in the natural (Jesus had just fed the five thousand) but some came because they recognized Jesus as the Bread of Life.

Jesus, you are the Bread of Life. We lay aside all lesser forms of nourishment. We thank you for Your blessings but what we really want is You. We will, like the children of Israel, come to You daily for You are Manna from heaven. In Jesus’ name.

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